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The Substack Era: What It Means for PR Pros and How To Measure Newsletter-Based Journalism

Zahra Burton ran her own television news magazine, 18 Degrees North, for years. The hard-hitting show ran investigative journalism-driven items and aired in 27 countries across the Caribbean, North America, and Europe.  But producing a full-on television show...

Unveiling Disney’s HoloTile: New Tech Enchants with Media Buzz

With Disney's announcement of a $1.5 billion equity investment in Fortnite developer Epic Games, the dream of a Disney-powered VR universe now feels within reach – and we're poised to immerse ourselves in its magic. In the realm of virtual reality (VR), innovation...

CEO Apologies January 2024 Edition: Blow Outs and Baby Fever

CEO Apologies are a powerful way to understand an issue, and interest groups. Monthly, Fullintel’s Head of Product scrubs the internet for interesting apologies and brings them with his insights. In this edition of our monthly CEO apologies round-up, we look at Meta,...

JPM 2024: A Pinnacle of Biopharma and Healthcare Innovation

The JP Morgan (JPM) Healthcare Conference is a premier annual event in the healthcare industry, bringing together global industry leaders, emerging fast-growth companies, innovative technology creators, and members of the investment community. This conference serves...

Is the Press Release Dead? Why Mass Email PR Pitching Persists, and What You Should Do Instead

“Interview: Celebrity launches AI dating app for pets, their toys at CES 2024.” “California is the second most solitaire-obsessed state, playing 3 hours and 51 minutes per year on average.”  “Succession’s Brian Cox Wears Exclusive Barbosa Brooch at EMMY Awards.” “News...

Top Pharma News in December 2023

The Evolving World of Healthcare and Tech Sparks Ongoing Media Interest This month's highlights in healthcare and technology showcase a significant shift toward innovative and regulatory dynamics. Government initiatives are reshaping healthcare affordability and...

How to Pitch to Healthcare Media: Press Event for JPM Healthcare Conference Illustrates Winning Strategies

What’s the best way to get a busy healthcare reporter’s attention? What topics are of most interest to biopharma journalists in 2024? What’s the best way to pitch your biotech story? Answers to these questions – and more – were on offer at a recent panel discussion...

Expert Panel: 7 Top PR and Communications Trends of 2024

PR, communications, and media measurement are always evolving. That’s especially true for 2024 as PR professionals and their organizations stickhandle an increasingly unstable world, rampant misinformation, changing media preferences, new technologies, and other...

How Social Media Fuels Real-World Political and Social Turmoil – And What It Means for Organizations

Protesters and counter-protesters square off and descend into violence as arrests are made. A flash mob assembles and ransacks a major retailer, shoplifting thousands of dollars in items. Observers look on as a quickly organized rally spouts misinformation and hate...

Christmas Toy Trends: Innovation and Nostalgia Lead the Way

As Christmas approaches, it's clear that while blockbuster movies and TV shows influence gift choices, innovative toys often outshine those tied to well-known franchises. This year, we've analyzed over 180 toys from top lists to uncover the most popular trends in the...

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